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3 Activities to Enjoy When You Visit the Southwest For the First Time

If you’re visiting the Southwest United States for the first time, there are countless opportunities to have fun. In fact, adrenaline seekers from far and wide can’t help but visit Colorado for the best in thrills, sights, and outdoor activities. If you’re visiting the Southwest for the first time, don’t hesitate to try these wild…

Adventures In Colorado: 5 Places To Go White Water Rafting

Colorado offers a great many outdoor activities for the discerning sportsman or woman. The soaring peaks provide ideal skiing and snowboarding conditions; the thick forests supply ample opportunity for hikes of all sizes and lengths (not to mention the numerous zipline courses and zipline tours that carry you through the treetops); and the state’s 158…

3 Things to Consider When Planning a Rafting Adventure

Choosing the best rafting adventure to suit your needs can easily become an overwhelming experience. You might feel overloaded with information, options, and even questions. But when it comes to finding the right fit for you, there are really only a few considerations you need to keep in mind. If you focus on these three…

If you thought low-water meant “low-fun,” JOKES ON YOU!

[ngg_images source=”galleries” container_ids=”31″ display_type=”photocrati-nextgen_basic_slideshow” gallery_width=”460″ gallery_height=”300″ cycle_effect=”fade” cycle_interval=”4″ show_thumbnail_link=”0″ thumbnail_link_text=”[Show picture list]” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″] When the water is low, we often get a lot of phone calls asking if rafting is “still fun.” We have 3 answers for that inquiry: #1 RAFTING IS ALWAYS FUN!

Getting All Our Ducks In a Row

This season we experienced an unusually long snow-melt run-off period, with flows staying above 1000 CFS until mid-late July. We have also been blessed with steady monsoon rains every afternoon, which has kept the flows above 800 CFS so far this season. This is the perfect water level for you to utilize our fleet of…

Photo of the Day

Conditions are perfect. Book your trip now.

The Rafting Season is in full swing

The 2016 season has started out strong on the Animas in Durango, CO. With the additional late snowfall in May, we are sure to have some great rafting for you this summer. We have been running trips daily in Durango and Telluride. The Upper Animas season also started up and has been great so far….

Private Boaters – Preparing for the Grand Canyon

This past weekend, April 9-10 2016, we held a class for a group preparing to go down the Grand Canyon in about two weeks. They will be launching on a private group permit from Lees Ferry to Diamond Creek. For some in the group, the information covered in this class was just a refresher, for…

Gold King Mine

On August 6th 2015, the Animas River closed due to the EPA triggering the release of acid mine water into Cement Creek, a tributary to the Animas River in Silverton, CO. Many images were taken of a river that should have been clear that time of year and was instead running a mustard yellow color….

Skiing Red 3

After a few weeks of warmer weather and little to no new snow accumulation, Erin and I were trying to figure out where may still give up some good powder turns. Erin came up with the idea to head to Red 3 Summit, and what a great idea it was! Erin on the summit of…