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Upper Animas Season is on!

We should have ideal flows on the Upper Animas for the rest of the season. Book your rafting adventure today! For those looking for an epic day of whitewater rafting Class III-V, have a look at our specialty trip the Marathon. This trip includes 24 miles of whitewater in one day! Our famous Raft’n Rail…

Self Support Kayak down the Grand Canyon

Nothing like a trip down the Grand Canyon in a kayak! Ten days and 225 miles on the river with a group of friends for great kayaking, hiking and camping! Mix in a well timed High Flow Experiment (HFE) release of 36,000cfs and now you get a premier big water trip! Lees Ferry Put-in Here…

Upper Animas Update

We had an incredible memorial day weekend on the Upper Animas. We completed 2 Marathons, 1 overnight and a 3 day. River levels were perfect and we were able to run all the major drops. We are offering deep discounts on our next overnight trip scheduled for June 7-8. Contact us for more details. Enjoy this short clip from Broken Bridge Rapid shot on May 26, 2013.